What’s Cooking in the Caf?

Welcome to STA’s modern day mead hall.

Lauren Dickinson, Reporter

Today in the Saints Cafe we’re serving up menu upgrades and lots of new items! The Saints Cafe serves various meals, snacks, and beverages from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Every day there is a new daily special ranging from Chinese to Italian food. No matter what the daily special is, pizza, salad, sandwiches, and hamburgers are guaranteed. Whether it’s regular, curly, or waffle fries, self-serve fries are always there for the perfect side, and there is always fresh fruit and salads for a healthier option.        













For students arriving at school early, breakfast is served starting at 7:30. Breakfast options include breakfast sandwiches and hashbrowns, as well as muffins and other prepackaged options in the vending machines. 

Along with breakfast and lunch, the Saints Cafe provides many dessert options. There are ice cream sandwiches, cups, and bars, and each payment station has a wide range of candies and sweet treats. Of course, who could forget the infamous STA cookies? The Saints Cafe’s cookies now come in two options: regular and large. So whatever you’re craving, the Saints Cafe will always have something to satisfy your hunger!