Study Spots!

Do you want to be an academic weapon this year? Then check out these study spots!

Avery Rudicel, Design Editor

As we approach the end of the semester, finals are creeping up on us. Don’t wait for last-minute studying, rather get homework turned in and studying done. If you are looking for a place to work then here are some tried and tested options for you. 

Lenexa Public Market

The Lenexa Public Market is my all-time favorite place to study. It has the perfect atmosphere for group studying or independent studying. There is noise, but it typically doesn’t get too loud because of its seclusion. On the first floor, there are food kiosks with various kinds of food for mid-study snacks. When you go to the upper floor, there’s seating all around, with a giant window for some natural lighting. It is open from seven a.m. to nine p.m. every day of the week. I think the Public Market is an easy place to stay focused and finish up your homework.



Panera is a great place to study as well. There is great food and drinks, and the environment is calm and welcoming. It can be loud at times if there are a lot of people there, but when it’s quiet, it is very nice. Panera also has a variety of comfortable seating which can be nice for group studying. There’s also free WiFi at most locations, so you can use your devices without trouble. Overall, I think that Panera is a comforting place for studying. 



The library is always a nice option for studying too. I like the Lenexa Public Library the best, but all libraries typically have the same things. If you need complete silence while doing homework, then the library is definitely for you. It is always quiet, and most libraries even have private rooms for personal study. There is good seating everywhere which makes it very comfortable. If you need to research, there are computers and books to help you out. While the library is a basic studying spot, it is worth mentioning as it is a timeless productivity outlet.